William “Billy” Bludd



Name: Willaim BluddAlias: Major BluddAge: 43 (Ageless)Height: 5’10Gender: MaleMarital Status: Married

Powers and Abilities

Species: Homo Militaris (Enhanced Human)Powers: Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Enhanced Longevity, Regenerative Healing Factor, Enhanced Mental Processing, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced BalanceAbilities: Expert Tactician, Master Combatant, Military Training, Stealth Tactics, Skilled with Guerrilla Warfare, Master Assassin, Knife Mastery, Marksmanship

The name Major Bludd

Major Bludd’s Origins


William Bludd is a fighting man who has little, if any scruples. Giving up his duty to his country for the promise of riches, he’ll gladly do just about anything if the money’s right, even if it puts him at severe risk of personal injury. He has been described as a “total mercenary slime who’d think nothing of renting out his own grandmother as a tackling dummy.”However, he’s no fool. His years of military and para-military experience have given this would-be poet a tactical mind like a steel trap. Thus, he gets things done when necessary.Being nearly amoral, he does not hesitate to commit particularly vile actions.

Powers and Abilities

𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬Artificially Enhanced Physiology: William Bludd has been injected with the Nanomite Solution by Dr. Mindbender. As a result, Bludd's body was enhanced to the peak of human potential of strength, agility, stamina, speed, etc. The solution is definite such that if Bludd decided to live an unhealthy lifestyle, none of his powers would be weakened by any conventional means.Peak Human Strength: Bludd's strength is enhanced to the peak of human potential. He is strong enough to break a solid wall with a single punch, as well as effortlessly lifting a full grown man over his head with one arm and throwing him. He easily used a large sofa as a weapon against Scarlett; furthermore, this strength extends to his legs, enabling him to leap several times high eight out in a single bound, and smaller heights into the air without a running start.Peak Human Speed: Bludd is capable of running and moving at speeds faster than any Olympic-class runner, enabling him to run at speeds of 32-36 mph. He was able to move fast enough to exit a building as it was exploding.Enhanced Stamina: Bludd's musculature produces considerably less fatigue-toxins, allowing him to physically exert himself for several hours before showing any sign of fatigue or tiring. He can also hold his breath underwater for longer periods of time.Peak Human Agility: Bludd's equilibrium, coordination, dexterity, and flexibility is enhanced to levels that are beyond the physical limits of any Olympic gold medalist. He was able to leap at longer distance from one building to another building, swing on a large flag or pole with great performance, and also evade several missile explosions that targeted him in mid-air. Bludd had used both of his legs to strike the guards at the same time while strained. He also evaded a speeding car at close range.Enhanced Durability: Bludd's physical body is much harder and more resistant to physical injury than the body of a human being. He withstood very strong blows from superhuman foes like Griffin, Globulus, and Gargoyle. He also withstood electrocution, several gunshots and puncture wounds, as well as a fall from several stories, with little to no injury.Enhanced Reflexes: Bludd's reflexes are similarly enhanced and rival those of Storm Shadow or Snake Eyes. His reaction speed is superhumanly fast which makes it possible for him to easily dodge multiple gunshots at point-blank range simultaneously. He even dodged bullets from multiple gunmen while underwater.Enhanced Endurance: Bludd exhibits extreme pain tolerance. He was able to endure temperatures below -40 degrees when he climbed mountains without aid supplies.Regenerative Healing: Bludd's rate of healing is much faster than normal humans. He is able to heal broken bones, torn muscles, several gunshots, knife wounds, and various other injuries within several days, like regenerating damaged cells from his heart. Most lesser injuries -- like cuts, bruises, scrapes, or burns -- heal within a few hours.Enhanced Balance: Bludd's balance and dexterity are in levels superior to that of the world's most highly trained humans. The perfect example of his balance was shown during his evasion movements on one occasion when he used just two fingers to stand on the very edge of a building without any slip nor hesitation.Enhanced Mental Process: Bludd's mental process has been enhanced, allowing his mind to; process information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude, a knack for quickly analyzing multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations, eidetic memory (meaning that he never forgets anything and has perfect recall), speed read, and high deductive/reasoning skills.Enhanced Longevity: The Nanomite Solution in Bludd's blood has completely stopped him from aging.Cybernetic Enhanced Physiology: Whether or not additional capabilities are from unknown enhancements or the sustained effects of the Nanomite Solution injection, but some of Bludd's abilities are shown to be at a greater level than peak human, such as his durability, reflexes, balance, and endurance. The implants associated with his cybernetic arm are known to have given him certain powers beyond typical human limitations, despite the fact that he is classified as peak human.Bionic Arm: An implanted cybernetic arm is known to give Bludd powers beyond that of the limitations of peak human classification.Superhuman Strength: Bludd has some degree of superhuman strength in his bionic arm. The cybernetic arm has been shown to destroy the undercarriage of a G.I. JOE Flying Car, as well as effortlessly murder dozens of men with a single blow. He has been shown to break hardened steel chains with relatively no effort.Stabilization Sensors: Bludd can detect the balance of objects via his bionic arm and thereby throw the items with pinpoint accuracy, even causing them to properly ricochet to return to him.Tactical Reload: Thanks to Destro's upgrade, the arm can also reload weapons automatically.Palm Sensors: The weapons that Bludd use have palm print sensors, which means if someone else attempts to use the scanned weapons, the weapons will self-destruct.Sensory Array: The arm houses different sensors which allow him to map out his surroundings and identify targets, such as locating Scarlett despite her wearing a camouflage suit. The arm can project holograms to appear and feel like a normal human arm, as well as pass through security such as metal detectors without setting them off. It can also shield other metallic objects from detection such as firearms and knives.Extended Reach: Bludd can apparently either control his bionic arm even if it has been removed from his body, possibly via additional cybernetic implants, or his arm can be programmed to perform certain actions on its own while removed from his body.Electrical Discharge: Bludd can discharge bolts of electrical energy from his arm's palm, as was done to Roadblock, Duke, and one of the armored battalion troopers. Thanks to Destro's upgrade, he can emit a stream of flame burst from his arm. He can generate enough heat from his bionic arm to damage a huge robot, causing it to self-destruct.Electromagnetic Pulse: Bludd can discharge an EMP, rendering electronic devices useless.Cybernetic Defense: Bludd's bionic arm is resistant to bladed weapons, such as when Duke tried to stab him with a knife, and the blade broke. It is also highly resistant to explosions, withstanding Molotov cocktails with no signs of damage, and can even withstand impact from multiple high-caliber rounds simultaneously. For example, Bludd was able to use his arm to block several shots fired by Scarlett during their fight. Also, during a rough landing, his bionic arm took the brunt of the force but sustained no damage.Retractable Blade: The cybernetic arm possesses a retractable blade that can be used for close combat.𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬Expert Tactician: Bludd is a highly skilled, effective and experienced military tactician. Bludd used these tactics to single-handedly track and kill entire battalion of soldiers with high efficiency, to the point that Bludd was initially mistaken by Duke and the JOEs for an entire squad of gunmen, rather than a single man.Master Combatant: Bludd, as a former Australia's Special Air Service Regiment with years of experience, is a very dangerous, fierce, and lethal hand-to-hand combatant, holding his own against the highly skilled Snake Eyes, even briefly gaining the upper hand against him in their first encounter. He impressed Snake Eyes with his speed and ferocity, while the latter was able to get the upper hand in the fight with the use of his agility. Hence, Bludd, while unarmed, survived being ambushed by multiple armed soldiers at once, swiftly taking them all down in a brutal bloodthirsty fashion, greatly impressing Cobra Commander, who claimed that Bludd has a "unique talent".Weapons Master: As an authority on modern warfare, Bludd is a recipient of multi-disciplinary military knowledge from the Australia's Special Air Service Regiment. Thanks to this and continued training, Bludd is a master of many weapons, favoring daggers and long-range shooting weapons. Bludd's ever-changing arsenal of weaponry includes various automatic and semiautomatic rifles, and an array of handguns, fragmentation and tear gas grenades, other explosives, and combat knives. A personal favorite is his ballistic knife, which can launch its blade with lethal force. He commonly uses M16 .223 caliber automatic rifles, Sterling Mark 6 9 mm, semiautomatic rifles, 9 mm Browning Llama automatic pistols, .45 caliber automatic frame re-chambered for 9 mm ammunition, .223 caliber Derringers, and Gerber Mark 2 combat knives.Blade Weapons Training: Bludd has extensive knowledge of blade weapons from his years of training in various martial arts disciplines as well as his military training. He tends to carry with him up to 3 or 4 different types of edged-weapons, preferring the knife he learned to fight with in the USMC: the Ka-bar.Master Marksman: He is a sharpshooter and exceptional marksman with many types of firearms, often depicted as being ambidextrous and rarely missing his target. Trained as an elite sniper, he's skilled enough to hit a target from 4 km. He is skilled in knife throwing as well.Expert Pilot: Bludd received helicopter training with the Australia's Special Air Service Regiment. He has been shown flying both helicopters and airplanes.Multilingual: In addition to English, Bludd is fluent in Esperanto, German, Japanese, and Spanish.

The name Major Bludd

William Bludd was born in San Diego, California Major Bludd profile to an American mother and an Australian father. Their family moved back to his grandfather's farm in Australia as soon as he was born, Blood Lines but the farm was soon foreclosed upon, leading his grandfather to hang himself. Bludd's father took up work in a factory, but it too was closed, Major Bludd leaving the family too poor to ever move back to the USA; the young William, however, would dream of America and the opportunities it offered. Once he grew older, Bludd joined Australia's Special Air Service Regiment, seeing it as the best way to leave the country; despite his lack of love for his nation, his ambition and hard work saw him rise quickly to the rank of Major. In the S.A.S. Bludd was deployed to "hellholes" such as Cambodia, where he and his men would take advantage of local illegal activities, providing private security for drug lords. This lasted until, after seven months in Cambodia, his men—jumpy and paranoid from drug use—massacred a bus full of missionaries; Bludd responded by executing the perpetrators, setting fire to their camp and bodies, and going AWOL, making his way to eastern Europe.Embracing a criminal lifestyle, Major Bludd thrived thanks to his training and his weapons and drugs contacts in southeast Asia. During this time, he married his first wife, Catherine; however, she eventually betrayed him with her lover Danny while he was moving a small arms shipment for Colonel Shtern, leading to him being arrested in St. Petersburg. Shtern pulled strings to have him released and had his jailers shipped to a gulag; when Shtern made it clear that the leak must have been on Bludd's end, he tracked down Danny and Catherine and killed both with an assault rifle. As Catherine was dying, he tried to ask her why she had betrayed him, but she attacked him with a shard of glass, putting out his left eye. Blood Lines Bludd would go on to move to America and form a new family, one who had no idea of his criminal activities, and whom he lavished with gifts and attention; he also brought his ailing father back from Australia to live with his new family.Eventually, Major Bludd's skills brought him to the attention of Cobra. The Baroness was dispatched to recruit him, but instantly took a dislike of him thanks to the dirt on his fingers and his attitude towards doing his own work, which she considered to be "folksy outback wisdom"; Bludd, for his part, disliked the Baroness for her superiority complex and lacking sense of humor. Though Bludd never fit in among the other members of Cobra High Command, he saw something of himself in Cobra Commander, and believed that he had been brought in thanks to the Commander sharing his values as a "businessman".